We are fired up and ready to go!
This has been hard on our collective family as Democrats and aligned voters. I lost my mother a couple of years ago to Alzheimer & old age. I saw her rapid cognitive & physical decline in the final two years & it was heartbreaking & shocking to me. This situation we have all been going through with the Biden candidacy therefore resonated painfully with me.
It’s clear a Kamala Harris candidacy removes any vulnerability of the issue of age and in fact turns it against Mr. Trump as Democrats put forward the face of America’s future.
As everyone knows who is paying attention, the stakes of this election are extreme and quite possibly existential for freedom and democracy in the United States of America.
I’m dismayed at the vitriol directed at anyone who suggested President Biden would not be able to mount the most successful campaign against the threat of Donald Trump and his cult of followers. In my view it mirrored the cultlike behavior of the Trump followers.
We are supposed to be different and better than that. We are supposed to be free thinkers and a “big tent” that welcomes diversity of opinions and backgrounds. I hope we can set aside any bitter words and unite in the spirit of the loving compassionate nation we all seek to protect and promote.
When the likes of former President Obama, leader Schummer, former Speaker Pelosi, and other Democratic Party leaders looked at the aggregate of all polling and saw a pending loss of the Presidency, House, and Senate to this dangerous autocratic movement, they respectfully presented the facts to the President.
The President showing the same type of courage demonstrated by George Washington when he relinquished power setting a historic president for democracy around the world, took what I’m sure was a very personally painful and extremely patriotic step in suspending his presidential reelection campaign and endorsing his Vice President Kamala Harris.
He accomplished a great deal of progress not the least of which is shepherding us out of the duel disaster of COVID and Trump. He will be seen by history as one of the greatest US Presidents.
Now it’s time for everyone who values democracy, women’s bodily autonomy, the dignity and rights of immigrants, the sanctity and security of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid & the ACA, and the continuation of rebuilding America’s industrial middle class to unite and fight forward.
I specifically use the words “fight forward” rather than fight back. We must be forward-looking and describe a bold compassionate hopeful vision of America in the next four years, forty years, and four hundred years!
We can focus on how dangerous and immoral Mr. Trump and his people are and that must be done to a certain extent. However, Democrats always win when we excite people with a message of hope and change, a bridge the the future, and let people know how all our lives will get better together.
I believe the majority of Americans are tired of the negativity, the name-calling, the lies, and the hate.
I believe the majority of Americans are fired up and ready to go forward!
We are ready to build back better again. And to that end I sincerely and respectfully urge the next Democratic candidate to pick up the mantle of Build Back Better and double down on the relief it would provide to the working class of our country!
Only this type of bold visionary leadership will drive people to the polls and win the election in sufficient numbers to remove any doubt around the nation.