I really appreciate the amazing efforts you're making to fund positive compassionate change in our nation and world. Thank you! It's very inspiring.
While focusing giving on equity oriented non-profits is creating waves of compassionate change, I hope you'll consider the efforts of individuals and small teams of creative entrepreneurs for good too.
I believe the cruelty we see in our systems that creates inequity, poverty, racism and great harm starts with a culture of unresolved trauma and pain, of isolation and absence of love.
I'm looking to create a new app that helps people share very supportive messages of kindness and encouragement that can go viral and create waves of new loving feelings and thinking.
I've found that sincere words of appreciation and encouragement can have profound life changing and sometimes even life saving impacts on people.
Confucius is thought to have said it is better to light a candle than curse the darkness. Twitter is often a place where many people share the darkness of our fears and pains in ways that trend towards cruelty.
This new app could help to create many more candles in the darkness of social media by sharing small moments of encouragement and kindness that make a big difference in people's days and lives.
With all the millions being donated to worthy organizations, I was hoping your team and advisors could contact me to invest just a few thousand dollars in the creation of this kindness candle lighting app to help people reach out on social media in caring kindness to each other.
I can be reached via @joesegal or JosephSegal.com
In solidarity,
Thank you!
Joseph Segal