I’ve discovered life is struggle to be aware, “woke” if you will. Aware not just to society’s injustices & our ability to create positive change in it but of our inner misconceptions of who we are and what makes us feel and come alive. We’re not meant to sleepwalk thru life.
It’s those moments of feeling fully alive when strung together over time create a sense of happiness and empowerment to me that feels satisfying.
But I need to, I want to create new opportunities to feel and be alive and fully engaged in life. I can’t rely on past memories or feelings. It all happens in the present.
So I figure I can plan to add more to my life that sets the stage for more opportunities to wake myself up in life and be real, in the here and now.
When I plan to get out of the house and go beyond the simple nod and “hows it going” greeting with people in my community to sharing a moment, listening to them, asking them questions, and being present, that helps.
When I listen to music I love that moves me and stirs my heart, that helps me wake up and live.
When I find myself reacting to Twitter or TV or some media that’s designed to trap my attention and piss me off to sell advertising to me, that’s when I sleepwalk through life. I’m tired of doing that. It wastes precious time in my life and I want to minimize that.
I’ve found when I act in a loving way to myself and others that’s how I know I’m awake. I like that.